Laravel, a popular PHP framework, provides developers with a well-defined file structure that promotes organization and maintainability. The file structure plays a crucial role in managing the codebase and separating concerns. In this blog post, we will continue to explore the file & directory structure of Laravel, discussing each file's purpose and its significance within the framework.

The Composer Files:

At the root of a Laravel project, you will find several important files related to Composer, a dependency management tool for PHP:

  • composer.json: This file specifies the project's dependencies, including Laravel itself and any additional packages or libraries.
  • composer.lock: Generated automatically after running `composer install` or `composer update`, this file ensures consistent package versions across different environments.

The Environment Configuration:

The root directory contains a file named “.env” that holds environment-specific configuration variables. This file provides a convenient way to manage environment-specific settings such as database connections, cache drivers, and mail settings. It is important to keep this file secure and not commit it to version control. A sample “.env.example” file is typically provided as a reference.

The Artisan CLI:

Laravel's command-line interface (CLI), called Artisan, simplifies common development tasks. The root directory contains the “artisan” file, which serves as the entry point for executing Artisan commands. Artisan allows you to generate code, run migrations, clear caches, and perform various other tasks to manage your Laravel application.

The App Directory:

The “app” directory is the core of your Laravel application. It houses the majority of your application's code. Let's explore the key files and directories within “app”:

  • Console: This directory contains console commands, which are used to create custom Artisan commands for your application.
  • Exceptions: Here, you can define custom exception classes to handle application-specific error scenarios.
  • Http: The “Http” directory is essential for web-based applications. It contains controllers, middleware, and form requests.
  • Models: The “Models” directory is where you define your Eloquent models that represent database tables and handle data manipulation.
  • Providers: This directory contains service providers, which bootstrap and register various components of your application.

The Config Directory:

The “config” directory holds all the configuration files for your Laravel application. It provides a centralized location to define settings for various components and services. Key files include:

  • app.php: This file allows you to configure application-wide settings and service providers.
  • database.php: Here, you specify database connections and other related settings.
  • mail.php: This file contains configuration options for email services.
  • services.php: In this file, you can configure third-party services such as AWS, Stripe, or Mailgun.

The Database Directory:

The “database” directory contains files related to database operations and management:

  • Migrations: The “migrations” directory stores database migration files. Migrations allow you to version control and manage your database schema changes.
  • Seeds: The “seeds” directory is where you define data seeders that populate your database with initial or test data.
  • Factories: Here, you can define data factories that generate dummy data for testing purposes.

The Public Directory:

The “public” directory serves as the document root for your Laravel application. It contains the entry point file, “index.php,” which routes all incoming HTTP requests to the Laravel application. This directory is accessible from the web and typically contains publicly accessible assets such as CSS, JavaScript, and images.

The Resources Directory:

The “resources” directory houses non-PHP assets used by your application:

  • Views: The “views” directory contains Blade templates, which are used to generate HTML output for your application.
  • Lang: This directory holds language files for internationalization and localization.
  • Assets: The “assets” directory contains CSS, JavaScript, images, and other static files used by your application.

The Routes Directory:

The “routes” directory contains all the route definitions for your application:

  • web.php: This file defines routes for web-based HTTP requests.
  • api.php: Here, you define routes for your API endpoints.
  • console.php: This file defines routes for Artisan console commands.

The Storage Directory:

The “storage” directory is used for storing various files generated by your Laravel application, including logs, session files, cache files, and uploaded files. It is essential to ensure that the “storage” directory is writable by the web server.

  • “app”: This directory is used for storing application-specific files, such as uploaded files and cached data.
  • “framework”: Laravel uses this directory for storing framework-generated files, including cache, sessions, and compiled views.
  • “logs”: Application logs are stored in this directory, helping developers diagnose issues and monitor application behavior.

The Tests Directory:

The “tests” directory is where you can write automated tests for your Laravel application, this directory contains all the automated tests for your Laravel application. Laravel encourages test-driven development (TDD) and provides a robust testing suite. In this directory, you can write unit tests, feature tests, and other tests to ensure the correctness of your code.

The Vendor Directory:

The “vendor” directory is created and managed by Composer, a dependency management tool. It contains all the packages and libraries required by your Laravel application. Composer handles the installation and updating of these dependencies based on the definitions in the “composer.json” file.


Understanding the file structure of Laravel is crucial for efficient development and code maintenance. Each directory and file has a specific purpose, promoting separation of concerns and organization within your application. By following Laravel's file structure conventions, developers can build scalable and maintainable web applications with ease.