In the world of web development, efficiency and speed are paramount. This is where caching mechanisms come into play, significantly reducing load times and improving the user experience. Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, comes with a robust, built-in caching system designed to streamline your application's performance. This post delves into the intricacies of Laravel's cache system and provides a comprehensive guide on how to effectively clear Laravel cache, ensuring your application runs smoothly and efficiently.

What is Laravel's Built-in Cache?

Laravel's built-in cache system is a temporary data storage mechanism that allows you to store frequently accessed data in a fast-access memory location. This data can range from query results, API calls, or any computationally expensive operations. By storing this data in cache, Laravel significantly reduces the need to re-execute these operations, leading to faster web application performance.

Laravel supports various cache drivers out of the box, including but not limited to:

  • File Cache: Stores cached data in the file system.
  • Database Cache: Utilizes database tables to store cache items.
  • Memcached and Redis: In-memory data structure stores, ideal for larger applications requiring quick data retrieval.

The framework provides a unified API for interacting with these caching mechanisms, allowing developers to switch between different cache drivers without modifying the application code.

How to Use Laravel Cache

Before diving into clearing the cache, it's crucial to understand how to use Laravel's cache. Caching data is straightforward, thanks to Laravel's expressive syntax. Here's a simple example:

 $value = Cache::remember('users', $seconds, function () {
    return DB::table('users')->get();

In this example, Laravel will check if 'users' exist in the cache. If it does, Laravel returns the cached data. If not, it executes the closure, caches the result for the specified duration, and then returns the data.

How to Clear Laravel Cache

There are several types of caches in Laravel, and sometimes, especially during development or after making significant updates, you may need to clear these caches to see your changes reflected. Below are methods to clear different caches in Laravel:

1. Application Cache

To clear Laravel application cache, which stores your application's cache data, use the Artisan command:

 php artisan cache:clear

2. Route Cache

For applications with a large number of routes, Laravel provides a route caching feature. To clear the route cache, use:

 php artisan route:clear

3. Configuration Cache

Laravel allows you to cache your application's configuration files to speed up configuration loading. To clear the configuration cache, execute:

 php artisan config:clear

4. Compiled Views Cache

Laravel compiles your Blade templates into plain PHP code for faster loading. To clear the compiled views cache, run:

 php artisan view:clear

5. OPcache

OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory. Clearing OPcache is not a Laravel-specific task but can be necessary for seeing changes in production. This usually involves restarting the web server or using a script to reset OPcache.


Laravel's built-in cache is a powerful feature for optimizing your application's performance. Understanding how to utilize and manage this cache, including clearing it when necessary, is crucial for maintaining a fast and responsive application. By leveraging Laravel's caching system and knowing how to effectively clear the cache, developers can ensure that their applications are both efficient and up-to-date.